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[vsnet-chat 6327] RASNZ RS Oph sequence etc

     Following on the discussion about the RS Oph comp stars---where Otero
complained there was no photoelectric sequence and Morel responded that
there was an extensive dataset published with some RASNZ charts---I have
keyed-in the data for the first three stars in that series from the RASNZ
"Charts for southern variables, series 13".  Since there are a lot of stars
involved, having the data more readily available would be valuable.
     HOWEVER, it appears the results are NOT RELIABLE, and it was easy to
find stars where the V magnitudes were clearly in error by 0.1 - 0.3 mag.
The B-V colors seem to be generally okay.  For T CrB, some stars have
observations by Arlo Landolt, presumably from Kitt Peak, which should be
more reliable.
     The five brightest stars from the RS Oph sequence should be sufficient
to show the problem:

 ID  Name         V    B-V   source
  6  HD 159358   5.37  0.02  Webbink
                 5.56  0.01  Crawford, 1963ApJ...137..530
                 5.55  0.02  Corben, 1971MNSSA..30...37C

162  HD 173638   5.81  0.66  Webbink (double)
                 5.73  0.58  Breger, 1968AJ.....73...84B
                 5.71  0.61  Croben, 1971MNSSA..30...37C
                 5.71  0.59  Fernie, 1983ApJS...52....7F
                 5.70  0.60  Eggen, 1969RGOB..137..165E

109  HD 162713   6.79  0.99  Webbink
                 6.84  1.03  Kornilov, 1991TrSht..63....4K
                 6.84  0.99  Tycho-2, Bessell correction

116  HD 162834   6.80  1.23  Webbink
                 6.86  1.27  Schmidt, 1971ApJ...165..335S
                 8.86  1.30  Kornilov, 1991TrSht..63....4K

154  HD 172654   6.92  1.31  Webbink
                 6.71  1.23  Kornilov, 1991TrSht..63....4K
                 6.71  1.18  Tycho-2, Bessell correction

This sort of thing persists throughout the list for fainter stars.  Some are
more-or-less okay, while others are out by some tenths in V.  The data were
taken with the Prairie Obseratory 1-m telescope located (at the time) in 
Illinois, and the relatively poor photometric quality of the site is probably
responsible for the problematic data.

     The lists below show only apparently new data appearing the chart
series publication for T CrB, V616 Mon, and RS Oph.  I have sorted them
in order of decreasing brightness, but the running numbers in the left-hand
column sort in RA order.  The coordinates are from TRC, GSC-ACT, and elsewhere
via SIMBAD.  A few of the faintest stars in the V616 Mon sequence have
positions from GSC-2.2 or 2MASS.  For V616 Mon there is cooroborating VRI
photometry for some stars from the TASS MkIII system, though probably the
ASAS3 data also include this area.  I think Sebastian Otero found some
differences with ASAS3 for the RS Oph region---where there are discrepancies
for uncrowded stars, it's probably the RASNZ chart values that are in error.
     The two other fields covered in this batch (V841 Oph and WZ Sge) 
presumably have similar problems, so I will not bother keying-in the tables.

     The bottom line here is to avoid this data.



Charts for southern variables, series 13
Bateson F.M., Morel M., Sumner B., and Winnett R.

BV observations by Webbink et al. (Univ of Illinois, 1-m Prairie Obs)
UBV observations by Landolt (KPNO?)

 ID  Name              RA (J2000) Dec       V    B-V   U-B   remarks
 83  HD 148283      16 25 24.2 +37 23 39   5.55  0.18
 11  HD 139225      15 36 29.2 +16 07 09   6.04  0.32
 12  HD 139389      15 36 53.4 +29 59 28   6.48  0.43
 74  HD 145457      16 10 03.9 +26 44 34   6.58  0.97
 16  HD 141352      15 47 40.8 +28 28 10   7.39  0.51
 54  HD 143514      15 59 58.0 +21 37 19   7.57  1.38
 67  HD 144004      16 02 38.4 +26 36 43   7.67  0.45
 52  HD 143455      15 59 29.0 +25 26 05   7.82  0.80        data in error
 59  HD 143707      16 01 03.9 +26 10 21   7.88  0.40  0.02  Landolt, double
 28  HD 142898      15 56 03.5 +27 03 05   8.02  1.05
 42  HD 143272      15 58 34.9 +26 32 35   8.18  1.01
 26  HD 142743      15 55 12.4 +26 29 11   8.29  0.43
 27  HD 142762      15 55 21.1 +26 00 32   8.39  1.17
 63  HD 143808      16 01 28.6 +26 24 17   8.42  0.50
 41  HD 143271      15 58 30.5 +26 51 11   8.54  0.81
 22  HD 142454      15 53 43.3 +26 39 33   8.87  1.11
 69  HD 144148      16 03 25.8 +26 25 00   8.91  0.59
 25  BD+25 2991     15 54 57.3 +24 36 09   9.06  1.48
 21  HD 142419      15 53 38.9 +25 47 15   9.15  1.66        YZ CrB
 46  HD 143329      15 58 50.7 +26 39 48   9.21  0.91
 36  HD 143161      15 57 54.5 +25 45 30   9.41  1.48
 47  BD+25 3005     15 58 58.1 +24 37 17   9.50  2.20        data in error
 68  BD+26 2773     16 02 46.1 +25 48 17   9.52  1.16
 20  HD 142375      15 53 23.8 +26 18 21   9.53  1.00
 58  BD+25 3012     16 00 40.9 +25 23 13   9.53  0.69
 23  HD 142552      15 54 11.5 +29 25 13   9.60  0.90
 49  BD+25 3006     15 59 01.3 +25 02 10   9.70  0.52
 78  BD+29 2802     16 16 25.5 +29 28 33   9.75  0.90
 62  BD+26 2768     16 01 29.1 +25 49 39   9.78  0.40
 40  HD 143256      15 58 28.4 +25 56 31   9.82  1.04  0.82  Landolt
 38  HD 143211      15 58 10.5 +26 14 30   9.86  0.86
 44  BD+25 3004     15 58 50.8 +25 12 34   9.91  0.66
 31  HD 143128      15 57 40.0 +26 06 19  10.16  0.56
 65  BD+26 2770     16 01 35.0 +25 51 10  10.52  1.50
 39  BD+25 3001     15 58 17.1 +25 31 46  10.55  0.72
 51  BD+26 2764     15 59 26.4 +26 08 47  10.55  0.53  0.05  Landolt
 56  BD+26 2766a    16 00 17.5 +25 43 20  10.66  0.61
 35  BD+26 2759     15 57 54.0 +26 00 04  10.70  1.46        
 34  GSC 2037-1130  15 57 51.0 +26 15 51  10.73  0.59  0.06  Landolt
 32  GSC 2037-1417  15 57 41.4 +26 30 50  10.86  0.81
 55  BD+26 2766     16 00 16.0 +25 43 54  10.94 -0.17
 33  BD+26 2757     15 57 45.4 +26 28 11  10.99  0.52
 45  GSC 2037-1228  15 58 51.2 +25 50 05  11.17  0.62  0.17  Landolt
 60  GSC 2038-1200  16 01 07.7 +26 09 59  11.27  0.62  0.13  Landolt
 37  GSC 2037-1284  15 57 58.4 +25 38 17  11.67  0.58  0.02  Landolt
 57  GSC 2038-0977  16 00 36.3 +26 04 40  12.08  0.55  0.04  Landolt

V616 Mon
 ID  Name              RA (J2000) Dec       V    B-V   U-B   remarks
102  HD 44948        6 24 33.9 -01 25 06   6.64 -0.09        double
 11  HD 44354        6 21 20.3 -01 13 15   7.52 -0.07
 14  HD 44420        6 21 43.5 -00 32 21   7.55  0.66
 29  HD 44605        6 22 29.4 -02 42 35   7.74  1.21
 98  HD 44872        6 24 08.4 -01 28 25   8.36  0.28
 22  HD 44545        6 22 16.9 -01 29 38   8.37  0.04
 17  HD 44499        6 22 07.0 -00 34 40   8.54  1.35
 86  HD 44719        6 23 10.1 -01 36 29   8.57  0.87
 16  HD 44501        6 22 01.2 -02 01 46   8.60  0.15        double
 13  HD 44438        6 21 42.8 -00 45 55   8.92  0.51
 84  HD 44731        6 23 08.1 -02 39 03   8.97  0.24
 36  HD 291620       6 22 35.1 -02 05 48   9.13  0.96
 92  HD 291638       6 23 48.9 -00 39 40   9.31  1.66
 95  HD 294997       6 25 06.9 -02 22 43   9.47  1.10
101  HD 291637       6 24 34.4 -00 37 43   9.54  1.15
  8  HD 44334        6 21 14.1 -01 23 01   9.59  0.26
 20  HD 291591       6 22 17.2 -00 07 55   9.70  1.27
  7  HD 291532       6 20 37.6 -00 20 01   9.87  1.27
 10  HD 291592       6 21 17.3 -00 11 22  10.17  1.31
  9  HD 291602       6 21 16.0 -00 43 05  10.30  0.34
 89  HD 294931       6 23 12.2 -02 30 35  10.35  0.56
 99  HD 291631       6 24 18.9 -00 17 07  10.43  0.29
 96  HD 291636       6 24 05.2 -00 32 40  10.55  0.30
 73  HD 291622       6 22 55.4 -02 09 50  10.96  0.31
 79  GSC 4785-1830   6 23 02.1 -00 14 33  10.96  0.67
 70  GSC 4789-0322   6 22 54.2 -02 07 54  11.23  0.14
 28  GSC 4784-0105   6 22 29.6 -00 07 53  11.25  1.24
 37  GSC 4789-0278   6 22 35.2 -02 07 24  11.27  1.33
 39  GSC 4785-0299   6 22 37.9 -00 32 13  11.39  0.52
 23  GSC 4784-2239   6 22 18.8 -00 16 42  11.47  0.32
 74  GSC 4785-1150   6 22 59.2 -00 28 07  11.50  1.13
 32  GSC 4785-0060   6 22 35.6 -00 24 38  11.66  1.88
 25  GSC 4788-0253   6 22 20.6 -02 15 29  11.75  0.54
 15  GSC 4784-1316   6 21 59.2 -00 10 45  12.48  1.79
 42  GSC 4789-1479   6 22 37.0 -02 09 21  12.52  0.44
 77  GSC 4789-1475   6 22 59.4 -02 12 40  12.79  0.57
 19  GSC 4788-0871   6 22 14.5 -02 12 11  12.81  0.49
 59  GSC 4789-1497   6 22 45.5 -02 10 07  12.97  0.67
 80  GSC 4785-0571   6 23 03.6 -00 19 23  13.08  1.41
 47  GSC 4789-1281   6 22 39.3 -02 16 15  13.11  0.39
 52  GSC 4785-0153   6 22 43.5 -00 24 15  13.69  0.69
 55  GSC 4789-0446   6 22 43.4 -02 10 05  13.82  0.45
 34                  6 22 36.6 -00 23 34  14.03  2.16
 38                  6 22 38.2 -00 24 14  14.21  0.87
 61                  6 22 46.6 -02 11 23  14.63  0.60

RS Oph
 ID  Name              RA (J2000) Dec       V    B-V   U-B   remarks
  6  HD 159358      17 34 46.4 -11 14 31   5.37  0.02 -0.19
162  HD 173638      18 46 43.3 -10 07 30   5.81  0.66        double
109  HD 162713      17 52 37.1 -05 15 43   6.79  0.99
116  HD 162834      17 53 15.4 -05 55 44   6.80  1.23
154  HD 172654      18 41 34.5 -03 07 07   6.92  1.31
 15  HD 161131      17 44 00.8 -05 55 46   7.13  1.02
160  HD 173278      18 44 40.8 -06 32 10   7.14  2.12
172  HD 176076      18 58 47.3 -05 38 05   7.22  0.18
 25  HD 161555      17 46 31.8 -07 59 08   7.24  0.65
163  HD 173693      18 46 54.7 -07 34 45   7.25  0.28
141  HD 163976      17 59 04.7 -05 02 54   7.30  0.58
156  HD 172768      18 42 17.9 -07 20 14   7.34  1.95        V453 Sct
170  HD 174916      18 53 11.3 -04 43 55   7.42  0.42
169  HD 174796      18 52 25.7 -03 43 32   7.54  2.10
129  HD 163422      17 56 15.0 -04 34 35   7.56  0.08
 19  HD 161203      17 44 34.7 -07 24 29   7.91  0.67
 90  HD 162488      17 51 36.5 -06 51 48   7.92  1.63
153  HD 172508      18 40 47.4 -04 29 47   7.99  2.03
138  HD 163568      17 57 10.0 -08 04 08   8.06  0.52
 81  HD 162324      17 50 45.5 -05 19 49   8.10  0.30
 29  HD 161639      17 46 58.0 -06 12 33   8.14  0.64
114  HD 162755      17 52 52.3 -05 21 04   8.14  1.21
127  HD 163366      17 56 08.6 -06 40 20   8.21  0.42
 28  HD 161607      17 46 50.6 -06 51 45   8.23  1.66
 94  HD 162506      17 51 42.4 -06 15 36   8.33  0.36
 18  HD 161204      17 44 34.4 -07 51 22   8.36  2.19        NSV 9615
131  HD 163423      17 56 19.8 -05 18 54   8.43  1.45
102  HD 162597      17 52 03.6 -04 46 37   8.46  0.34
136  HD 163566      17 57 05.7 -06 41 24   8.64  0.23
123  HD 163176      17 55 09.8 -07 28 19   8.68  0.26
 33  HD 161663      17 47 10.0 -08 04 22   8.69  0.55
 14  HD 161099      17 44 00.2 -08 01 33   8.70  0.64
108  HD 162693      17 52 34.6 -05 19 08   8.71  0.60        double
135  HD 163550      17 56 58.6 -06 40 45   8.75  0.54
132  HD 163446      17 56 28.3 -06 33 06   8.79  1.26
  5  HD 159334      17 34 22.0 -04 59 19   8.87  0.51
105  HD 162653      17 52 18.5 -05 25 51   8.88  0.37
137  HD 163567      17 57 07.3 -07 16 27   8.97  1.33
 37  HD 161753      17 47 37.6 -06 33 57   8.99  0.89        double
126  HD 163289      17 55 34.6 -05 03 25   9.10  0.53        double
 75  HD 162263      17 50 29.8 -07 16 55   9.35  0.67
 17  HD 161202      17 44 30.3 -06 37 48   9.36  0.82
139  HD 163735      17 57 54.0 -05 41 10   9.41  0.62
133  HD 163511      17 56 50.7 -07 43 16   9.48  0.59
 16  HD 161166      17 44 16.5 -06 31 39   9.50  0.63        double
 84  HD 162369      17 51 00.7 -06 53 43   9.55  0.52
106  HD 162672      17 52 27.3 -05 43 40   9.65  0.56
 35  BD-06 4650     17 47 17.0 -06 57 31   9.75  2.49
 36  HD 161736      17 47 27.5 -05 03 02   9.75  1.21
103  HD 162582      17 52 06.3 -06 24 29   9.75  0.41
128  HD 163387      17 56 14.8 -07 23 17   9.75  0.53
 44  HD 161924      17 48 35.6 -06 42 47   9.77  0.59
 88  HD 162449      17 51 24.5 -06 53 05   9.77  0.56
 20  BD-04 4341     17 44 55.2 -04 57 00   9.79  0.68
 57  HD 162060      17 49 28.7 -08 49 24   9.79  0.48
  7  HD 159629      17 35 52.7 -04 57 09   9.89  0.67
119  HD 162938      17 53 51.6 -05 46 15   9.93  0.55
104  HD 162598      17 52 16.6 -07 33 37   9.94  1.14
 95  HD 162531      17 51 45.6 -05 37 25   9.96  0.50
 93  BD-07 4511     17 51 43.0 -07 30 15   9.97  1.76
 21  HD 161356      17 45 25.5 -07 13 35  10.01  0.58
121  BD-06 4674     17 54 17.2 -06 49 42  10.02  1.60
 11  BD-04 4333     17 42 43.6 -04 59 24  10.03  0.78
 30  HD 161640      17 47 05.3 -07 57 27  10.03  0.63
 23  BD-05 4495     17 46 18.8 -05 44 36  10.09  0.76
124  HD 163187      17 55 18.3 -08 00 13  10.14  0.60
 24  BD-06 4646     17 46 20.7 -06 50 05  10.17  1.62
120  HD 162995      17 54 08.6 -05 50 43  10.17  0.62
 86  HD 162407      17 51 09.0 -08 19 53  10.21  0.74
 26  HD 161574      17 46 39.4 -08 01 25  10.25  0.75
 79  HD 162283      17 50 34.0 -06 03 01  10.29  1.48
 99  BD-05 4512     17 51 52.7 -05 31 46  10.39  0.66
125  HD 163222      17 55 26.2 -06 41 54  10.39  0.60
 32  BD-07 4502     17 47 05.8 -07 35 00  10.41  2.20
130  HD 163404      17 56 21.2 -07 02 26  10.41  0.48
 34  BD-06 4649     17 47 09.9 -06 16 49  10.43  0.82
117  BD-06 4673     17 53 43.3 -06 11 32  10.44  2.05
 46  BD-06 4655     17 48 42.1 -06 41 12  10.50  0.64
 54  BD-06 4657     17 49 18.7 -06 40 17  10.50  1.61
 78  BD-06 4662     17 50 32.9 -06 19 51  10.66  0.78
 43  BD-05 4502     17 48 23.8 -05 54 35  10.68  0.65
 22  BD-06 4645     17 46 18.3 -06 37 45  10.80  2.17
 41  BD-07 4504     17 48 11.5 -07 05 24  10.80  1.79
100  BD-07 4512     17 52 00.0 -07 18 13  10.80  0.89
 27  BD-07 4499     17 46 49.4 -07 30 01  10.83  0.98
 38  BD-07 4503     17 47 41.2 -07 17 02  10.83  0.60
 58  BD-06 4659     17 49 34.6 -06 55 39  10.84  0.67
 98  GSC 5094-0425  17 51 52.1 -06 22 57  10.88  1.58
 82  GSC 5094-0319  17 50 50.7 -06 17 52  10.91  0.86
 47  BD-06 4656     17 48 54.1 -06 09 28  10.96  0.94
 45  BD-06 4654     17 48 40.0 -06 29 19  11.00  0.76
 52  BD-05 4504     17 49 15.5 -05 57 49  11.01  0.78
 73  BD-05 4507     17 50 13.8 -05 56 48  11.02  1.49
 97  BD-06 4670     17 51 50.7 -06 24 32  11.04  0.71
113  GSC 5095-0076  17 52 43.3 -05 55 07  11.07  0.57
 31  BD-07 4501     17 47 05.2 -07 22 46  11.11  0.73
101  GSC 5094-0053  17 52 03.4 -06 01 56  11.13  0.89
 39  BD-06 4652     17 48 03.2 -06 17 30  11.14  2.02
 50  BD-07 4507     17 49 11.6 -07 18 15  11.14  0.82
 91  BD-06 4668     17 51 37.8 -06 02 49  11.17  0.84
 74  GSC 5094-0725  17 50 24.6 -06 50 07  11.25  1.73
 55  BD-06 4658     17 49 24.6 -06 37 12  11.28  0.91
 85  BD-06 4665     17 51 05.7 -06 25 03  11.29  0.68
110  BD-05 4518     17 52 37.8 -05 44 52  11.33  0.74
 42  BD-07 4505     17 48 22.2 -07 23 10  11.39  1.58
118  BD-07 4519     17 53 45.5 -07 14 21  11.54  0.72
 70  GSC 5094-0537  17 50 11.6 -06 31 39  11.62  0.77
 64  GSC 5094-0049  17 49 53.2 -06 18 27  11.65  1.63
 80  GSC 5094-0671  17 50 37.7 -06 29 44  11.65  2.14
 96  GSC 5094-0439  17 51 47.8 -06 13 56  11.75  1.99
 89  GSC 5094-0539  17 51 35.3 -06 28 40  11.83  1.71
 49  GSC 5094-0477  17 49 05.2 -06 29 47  11.86  0.88
 60  GSC 5094-0131  17 49 40.2 -06 16 34  11.92  0.75
 48  BD-07 4506     17 48 58.6 -07 30 13  12.03  0.84
 76  GSC 5094-0310  17 50 32.0 -06 39 07  12.07  0.95
 68  GSC 5094-0769  17 50 08.7 -06 59 36  12.08  0.82
 87  GSC 5094-0385  17 51 15.6 -06 14 53  12.11  0.86
 53  GSC 5094-0405  17 49 16.8 -06 56 41  12.31  1.12
 92  GSC 5094-0709  17 51 38.4 -06 41 33  12.34  0.73
 51  GSC 5094-0158  17 49 11.4 -06 38 10  12.35  1.54
 77  GSC 5094-0068  17 50 33.9 -06 59 01  12.61  0.56
 83  GSC 5094-0195  17 50 52.7 -06 35 13  12.87  2.16
 63  GSC 5094-0064  17 49 51.7 -06 38 57  12.96  0.92
 59  GSC 5094-0130  17 49 38.6 -06 17 24  13.26  1.17
 66  GSC 5094-0650  17 50 06.3 -06 43 50  13.34  1.16
 65  GSC 5094-0678  17 50 03.4 -06 40 46  13.52  1.69
 69  GSC 5094-0321  17 50 09.4 -06 33 46  13.53  1.78
 67  GSC 5094-0496  17 50 07.5 -06 40 19  13.75  1.00
 61  GSC 5094-0479  17 49 42.2 -06 40 50  13.78  1.93

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