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[vsnet-chat 6228] RE: [AAVSO-DIS] AAVSO names in SIMBAD


Please note that the Harvard designations aren't really fixed identifiers,
but might change if new entries are added, older positions are corrected,
etc. In the recent update (described on http://vsnet.aavso.org/validation.stm)
you will find following changes among others:

0343+23D  NSV 1321   changed Desig to 0342+23B
0339+24   21 TAU     changed Desig to 0340+24
0506-08   V1199 ORI  changed Desig to 0506-08B

The recent updates of March 28th are not yet included in SIMBAD, although
according the SIMBAD homepage the last update was done on April 7th.

Best Regards,

VVS Werkgroep Veranderlijke Sterren

Eric Broens
Wateringstraat 143
B-2400 Mol

e-mail: Eric.Broens@skynet.be

> -----Original Message-----
> From: aavso-discussion-admin@informer2.cis.McMaster.CA
> [mailto:aavso-discussion-admin@informer2.cis.McMaster.CA]On Behalf Of
> Brian Skiff
> Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 04:52
> To: aavso-discussion@informer2.cis.McMaster.CA
> Cc: vsnet-chat@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
> Subject: [AAVSO-DIS] AAVSO names in SIMBAD
>      I noticed in the last few days in SIMBAD that a number
> of variable
> stars now have old-style AAVSO 'Harvard' designations included among
> the aliases.  A check this evening using a global search showed that
> indeed 4497 stars have such names added.  The on-line Lortet et al
> 'Dictionary...' shows the following:
> AAVSO   (American Association of Variable Star Observers)
>  Write: <<AAVSO HHMM+DDA>>  N=5864
>  Object [V*]    (SIMBAD class: V* = Variable Star)
>   Note: In the acronym format coordinates are 1900 coordinates.\br
>         See AAVSO database (http://vsnet.aavso.org).
>  Auth.: -
>  Origin of the Acronym: A = Assigned by the author(s)
> Thus to look up a star by the AAVSO name, just type 'AAVSO' in front
> of the digits, e.g.:  'AAVSO 0000+63' for NSV 25 (which is the first
> star by RA in the list).  Yes, the dictionary entry says 5864 stars,
> but the search picked up 4497 of them.  No, I don't know why.
> \Brian
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