The April NMO Planning Tool files are now online at The status of quite a few stars has changed from 'old' or 'no data available' to faint or bright. Congratulations observers, your efforts are paying off. Several observers have single-handedly resurrected some constellations, especially in the south, and a couple of us have observations for nearly all the northern targets. Some constellations continue to suffer from neglect. Granted, many of them are now morning targets, but there are a few constellations that seem to have a high proportion of NMO stars year after year for whatever reasons. The following constellations are lonely, and calling for more attention as spring turns to summer this year. Aqu, Cap, Lib, Mic, Sco and Sgr. Surprisingly, some circumpolar constellations seem to be neglected even though observations can be made more or less year round. Car, Ind, Pav and Vol. Keep up the good work. Mike
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