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[vsnet-chat 6094] Re: [AAVSO-DIS] NMO Campaign


I was away last week and could not comment on the NMO Campaign that 
Mike Simonsen offered to spearhead.

It is great to see the interest to observe Long Period Variables
(LPVs) and particularly those that need more observations.

Mike and I had a discussion on this today and decided to change some
things and expand the NMO campaign to cover the whole sky, as is given
in the list that was published with AAVSO Bulletin 66.

We have decided on the following:

	1.  the NMO campaign will cover the complete list of stars in 
need of observations (published in Bulletin 66), instead of just those
north of -15 degrees;

	2.  the "user/observer friendly" list that Mike prepared,
which contain information on the range, brightness level, conjunction,
etc, on each star will be placed in the AAVSO website monthly at URL:


where there is other related information on the Bulletin;

        3.  as needed Mike will post a digest in the aavso-discussion
on pertinent e-mails on NMO campaign that are sent to the e-mail
group that he has set up.  Mike feels that having a separate e-mail
group would allow the participants to speak more freely than posting
messages on a more public forum as aavso-discussion group.

CHARTS --- We know that one of the main reasons why we have so many
stars in need of observations is because most of these stars have
"bad" charts often with inadequate comparison star magnitude
sequences. We have agreed to work together to remedy the situation.

I appreciate Mike's efforts in generating interest on these NMO LPVs
and thank all the observers for their observations on these and other

Good observing!
Janet Mattei

Janet A. Mattei, Director                          
American Assoc. of Variable Star           Phone:        (617) 354-0484
               Observers (AAVSO)           fax  :        (617) 354-0665      
25 Birch Street                           e-mail:     jmattei@aavso.org      
Cambridge, MA  02138                                    aavso@aavso.org
USA                                       www   :  http://vsnet.aavso.org

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