Re: [vsnet-chat 3688] attachments > If you don't trust attachments delete the message before you open it or run > it through your virus checker. How much effort is that? As for sending it to > *another* vsnet list, it was sent to vsnet-sequence. Unfortunately, many of > the observers who actually make observations of these stars have > unsubscribed to everything but obs, chat, outburst and alert out of > frustration with the heavy traffic the other lists created. So now chat, > alert or outburst is the only way to reach them. Well, this is not apparently correct. About 90% of vsnet-chat subscribers are subscribed to vsnet-sequence. There are also a few "vsnet-sequence only" subscribers. Posting to vsnet-sequence, and a few lines of comments other necessary lists, is the most functioning way to distribute charts and sequence to the different degree of necessity by observers, chart makers, etc. The vsnet-chat subscribers are not always observers. They can be theorists who want to discuss on variable star phenomena; for non-observers (or non-optical observers) random collection of numbers like charts, sequence and identification lists are almost useless. This is one of the main reasons of list splits resulting in vsnet-chart, vsnet-id and vsnet-sequence. Regards Taichi Kato