Dear Mike, let me answer one of your questions: >2- Who is/ was Markarian? Biographical info. needed. Markarian Beniamin E.: 29.11.1913 (town Shulaveri, near Shaumian, Geogria) -29.09.1985. 1938 - gratuated the State Univertsity of Erevan (Armenia) 1941 - post-gratuated student of the State Univesity of Leningrad (now Sankt-Peterburg) since 1944 was working in the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (Armenia). 1952 -1957 - vice-director of the BAO. 1957 - head of the galaxies department of the BAO. And I think more detailed information you can find on one of e-mail' addresses of the BAO: (the edition of the"Astrofizika" journal) Sincerely yours, Alexander Rosenbush