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[vsnet-chat 3418] V2400 Oph - comparison sequence

For Berto, here is the sequence for V2400 Oph, derived from Arne's 
recent field photometry. As Arne noted, this is a crowded field, and 
I had to be careful to select stars that were not affected by close 
neighbours. The field is also quite red, and I had to include two 
stars, namely 9 and 10, that are really too red to be included in a 
normal sequence, but because of their proximity to the variable, and 
because there were no other suitable stars near these magnitudes, I 
had to include them in this sequnce. Do use them with care.

Bruce Sumner

173. V2400 OPHIUCHI     Range: ? - 14.5V   Type: DQ
     Position:   17 12 36.41  -24 14 44.7  (J2000, from .dat file)
     Magnitude:  V=14.470  B-V=0.326      (in .dat file)
ID     RA  (2000)   DEC       X    Y  N    V      ERR     B-V    ERR 
1   17 12 43.5  -24 13 28    97   77  3  11.192  0.058   0.351  0.041 
2   17 12 53.8  -24 09 00   238  345  3  12.158  0.014   0.826  0.008 
3   17 12 40.0  -24 19 16    49 -271  3  12.841  0.000   0.691  0.006 
4   17 13 03.1  -24 20 11   364 -326  2  13.455  0.006   0.845  0.000 
5   17 12 27.2  -24 13 33  -126   72  3  13.725  0.006   0.665  0.002 
6   17 12 30.5  -24 12 16   -80  149  3  14.034  0.000   0.843  0.006 
7   17 12 37.9  -24 13 07    21   98  3  14.637  0.006   0.907  0.009 
8   17 12 37.0  -24 13 50     8   55  3  14.776  0.008   0.915  0.010 
9   17 12 36.3  -24 15 44    -2  -59  3  15.403  0.009   1.645  0.004 
10  17 12 37.4  -24 15 16    13  -31  3  15.721  0.029   1.510  0.005 
11  17 12 34.5  -24 14 31   -26   14  3  16.192  0.019   1.059  0.003 


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