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[vsnet-chat 3297] V359 Oph

V359 Oph

   Another noteworthy ROSAT identification.  The object is identified with
an emission line object SS1-76, classifed as a new Be! star.  The X-ray
flux is large in compared to usual Be stars.  This star needs further
monitoring.  Because of the presence of a dark cloud a degree away, the
object may be related to Herbig Ae/Be stars.

   V359 Oph:

170854.1 -271233 (2000.0) OPHV359 * S: 14.0 15.1 P - - - R1/OPH3
GSC6819.1209 170854.20 -271233.8 (2000.0) 12.91 6
USNO0600.13221917 170854.265 -271233.01 (2000.0) 11.8 12.0


170853.1 -271236 (2000.0) 1RXS-F_J170853.2-271237 0.064 0.53 1.00

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