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[vsnet-chat 3160] re Potential CVs

Arne Henden wrote:

> you might ask your system administrator if your name
> can be inserted instead of "no name"; it helps when
> I list message titles to know who posted what.
> Arne

A fair point...

...from a fellah I only knew of as "Arne aah" for the first six months I
monitored VSNET, and still is only listed as "Arne no name" on TASS and
AAVSO discussion archive lists, and similar for MPML archives afore they
went egroups, before somebody told me that aah was Arne Henden... <grin>

...as far as I can tell, the only quality/serious observational
astronomy list Arne & Brian _don't_ post advice to is meteorobs [&
imo-news for that matter]...

...unfortunately all the names like "slow" and "tardy" had already gone
when I registered with zoom, as indeed had my first thought, which was

RE BITTY candidate CV LISTS:

I must apologise for bitty candidate CV lists from me of late.

dBase and I have been having a little argument.  Taking some general
advice aah listed to vsnet many moons ago, I have been successfully
converting co-ords to decimal degrees [and many modern cats like the
rosat ones come with decimal degree RA and Dec anyway, which is damned

I use .001 = 3-4 arcsecs resolution for "tight fits", but usually .01 or
just over half an armin for practical purporses [I try only to use cats
of reasonable to high co-ords precision].  By _indexing_ on such values
I can seriously reduce searches in large databases rather than via
traditional use of simple conditionals &/or booleans [all puns

It seems to have worked okay in the past, but things have gone a tad
pearshaped a' lately.  Errors of omission keep cropping up.

TK = Taichi Kato noted it first by saying I hadn't found enough RASS-BSC
jobs, and he was right.

TK = Timo Kinnunen [summat else I had to be told off for recently] then
found LD 317 matched a RASS-FSC source.

Now. I'd already tested Dr Kato's NEWVAR.CAT agin RASS-FSC via
cross-matching and LD 317 didn't pop up, and obviously it should have
done.  It still didn't pop up even if I reduced resolution to 0.1
degrees, or 6 arcmin!  Yet use of rassfsc.tdf and newvar.tdf in Guide
showed both in the right position, far closer together than 6'!

Both routes utilise the same data sets from source.  Any manipulations
are simple, and are of a nature such that they are bound to be either
cause global errors or no error at all: ie work or not work, full stop.

Yet these strange errors of omission still occur.  It's summat I need to
look at, and [probably as relief to some] I'll not be posting any more
variable cross match listings of any kind until I figure out what the
heckmondwike is happening!  [Run out of catalogues anyway].

I can use Guide, CDS' Aladin, USNO digitised archive plates, A2.0, GSC,
and whatever to check certain lists for errors and/or coincidences, but
errors of omission are a sod to notice, and apparently just as hard if
not harder to resolve!


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