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[vsnet-chat 3146] X ray data hardness ratios...

What are the sort of ROSAT hardness ratios that CVs usually display?  I
surmise from earlier postings that magnetic CVs and "normal" UG stars
will differ.

I ask because I suppose it is possible for non-active white dwarfs to be
blue enough to be on suspected CV lists, and possibly also faint xray
sources.  In other words, can xray hardness be used to get rid of these
red herrings?

Similarly the suspected Mira MisV0047 also appears to be a faint ROSAT


[NB use of Taichi Kato's NEWVAR.cat via newvar.tdf in tandem with
rassfsc.tdf outlined in vsnet-id 234 will let people check their
favourite "suspected variables" in Guide with ease, whether it be
MisV0047, LD 317, TmzV046 = QW Ser or a couple of TASS objects, & quite
a few FASTT & ASAS objects]

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