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[vsnet-chat 2697] Re: (fwd) astrometry of DNe

Sorry, I clicked before I thought.  Gordon's ACT astrometry for
CN Ori is
05 52 07.79 -05 25 00.7
my USNO-A2.0 astrometry is
05:52:07.78 -05:25:00.3
and the DWS astrometry (which is what I mistakenly reported
as mine) is
05:52:07.77 -05:25:00.7
So the results are close, just not as close as before.  DWS states
that they used GSC, but not which flavor of GSC.  The Garradd/Henden
comparison differs by 0.4arcsec, which could be just internal
errors, or there may be a small offset between the ACT and
USNO-A2.0 in this field.  Have you tried reprocessing using Tycho2?
Are you using the proper motion fields in the ACT?  Just curious.

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