Brian, Arne, et al, Thanks for the comments. at this stage all that's needed at this end is getting some familiarity with the equipment. The filters are now in place but last night was cloudy when I had it all together. I note Taichi Kato's comments re doubles - we've always found them unreliable in sequences - better to ignore them completely. The Mira sequences will come anyway as part of another programme but only whatever is close to the programme star. There will be some jitter in the positioning so we might get a 10' radius after a dozen or more frames. I note Arne's comments re SN ratios. Many of the pe sequences in the southern sky for VSS charts were done with initial SN about 1:10 with about half a dozen runs to reduce this to an acceptable 5-10%. Things have come a long way. We'll see what happens - thanks. Stan ---------- > From: Brian Skiff <> > To: > Cc: > Subject: [vsnet-chat 882] Re: Magnitudes, sequences, etc > Date: Friday, May 01, 1998 5:52 PM >