Forwarded (permission by Lew Gramer) >From: Lew Gramer <> >Subject: Re: [ASTRO] SN, Novae comet reports ------- Blind-Carbon-Copy X-Mailer: exmh version 2.0gamma 1/27/96 To: The ASTRO Mailing List <> cc: Lew Gramer (me) <dedalus> Subject: Re: [ASTRO] SN, Novae comet reports In-reply-to: Your message of "Tue, 24 Feb 98 10:52:50 EST." <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Date: Tue, 24 Feb 98 17:35:45 -0500 From: Lew Gramer <dedalus> X-Mts: smtp >Might I remind list members of the article, "the name of the game" >by David Levy, in the February 1998 issue of Sky & Telescope. >Tony Beresford Read it and weep, don't you mean, Tony? I do agree that perhaps the folks who propogated this "alert" outside of the VSNET illustrated one point Levy makes in his article, about enthusiastic newcomers unintentionally spreading misinterpretations of observing alerts. In this case, the problem was simply one of inadvertently failing to stress the *POSSIBLE* nature of the discovery, prior to forwarding the alert to a larger audience (i.e., the ASTRO list)... However, contrary to the blanket statements made in Levy's unfortunate article, potential misinterpretation was NOT a problem for the original posts in VSNET (nor in 'astronomia', according to Victor's followup to Tony's message). In fact, VSNET and similar mailing lists (including the ill-used International Supernova Network which Levy seems to allude to) are specifically TARGETED to experienced observers. In other words, to just those people who have both the discernment to distinguish *possible* discoveries from confirmed ones, and also the tools and experience to gather invaluable information about such potential discoveries BEFORE they are officially confirmed. For individuals whose motivation in searching the heavens is closer to that of dedicated amateur scientists, than to that of professional track stars trying to "make it there first" - as Mr. Levy seems to be - this is reason enough to support (rather than denigrate) groups such as VSNET and ISN. BTW, I share Carlos' admiration of David Levy's accomplishments to date in popularizing astronomy - and especially amateur astronomy. But my admiration does not extend to glossing over what I consider misguided and unqualified statements made by Mr. Levy in public forums of record. Just my humble 2 pence! Clear skies and happy hunting, Lew Gramer ------- End of Blind-Carbon-Copy