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[vsnet-chat 593] Re: Low-dispersion CCD spectrograph?

I notice that a new spectroscope is spotlighted in Sky and Telescope's
new product showcase.  A visual phtoographic CCD model is available for
US$200, containing a blazed glass diffraction grating and a spectrum
widening cylindrical lens.  I wonder if this would be 'good enough' for
brighter targets with medium large amateur scopes.?

Clear skies, Mel Bartels    Programmer/Analyst, amateur astronomer
Eugene, Oregon, USA         homepage: http://vsnet.efn.org/~mbartels
mailto:mbartels@efn.org     atm, atm-digest list-owner
Motorize A Dob: http://zebu.uoregon.edu/~mbartels/altaz/altaz.html

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