> I just wish to query the position of V4074 Sgr as shown on the > new VSNET chart. > I have been monitoring this variable for some time, its position > verified against that shown in the New Years edition 1987 of the > Duerbeck atlas. In this case it concerns the 'object' shown on the > VSNET chart as star 11.50 and not the star indicated as V4074. I have identified the object using Allen's photographic atlas of symbiotic variables. This identification is truely different from Duerbeck's. The source reference listed in Duerbeck's lacks a finding chart. The position quoted in this reference agrees with Duerbeck's position. Interestingly, these two "candidates" for V4074 Sgr are found to be listed as peculiar objects. Duerbeck's object: 181605.50 -305111.5 (2000.0) 11.1 GSC 181252 -3052.3 SGRV4074 ZAND 8.6 12.3 P 181605.4 -305110 (2000.0) SS1-149 13.0 11.5 7 Z AS295 181605.5 -305111 (2000.0) 1150H Hipparcos Allen's object: 181612.19 -305208.2 (2000.0) 10.8 N GSC 181612.3 -305208 (2000.0) PK1-6.2 181612.5 -305208 (2000.0) ESO457-PN2 181612.2 -305207 (2000.0) 1094H Hipparcos 181611.1 -305150 (2000.0) 167362 (emission line star) original AS catalog (no finding chart): 181250 -3053 (1950.0) AS295 Which is the real V4074 Sgr?? Regards, Taichi Kato