NSV 09923 outburst! As reported by Rod Stubbings in [vsnet-outburst 5689], a star has brightened at the position of NSV09923. > A star has brightened at the position of NSV09923 can someone confirm? > > NSV09923 030628.446 140 Stu.RASNZ > NSV09923 030628.465 140 Stu.RASNZ (vsnet-obs 45665) This object was recognized during the identifications of NSV objects against ROSAT X-ray source (Kato 2000, vsnet-id-rosat 11). The proximity of the ROSAT position to the NSV position suggests that the object may be a dwarf nova, as we have seen in an excellent case in NSV 10934. The "outburst" has been confirmed by Berto Monard (vsnet-outburst 5691): > A star has obviously brightened. Its position is somewhat South of the > one given by the SIMBAD database. It's difficult to estimate the > brightness but it could be around magnitude 14CR (compared to about 16 > on the DSS image). The object has been monitored by Rod Stubbings since 2001 (54 observations), and this is the first outburst detection. These observations seem to have confirmed the dwarf nova-type (or other kind of CV-type) nature of this object. Since the ROSAT position is slightly south to the NSV original position, Berto's finding seems to further support the identification. NSV: 175917.1 -423504 (2000.0) NSV09923 ? 14.2 (15.5 P ROSAT: 175914.4 -423528 (2000.0) 1RXS-F_J175914.5-423529 0.095 0.83 0.08 Further observations (time-resolved photometry and spectroscopy) are most urgently encouraged! We will prepare a special page when Berto's (or other observer's) images becomes available. Regards, Taichi Kato VSNET Collaboration team
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