I Observed visually this star in outburst last night: SCOV478 20030622.3729 14.7: LMK However, the only chart I have for it is "FMB 26.4.95" which has 140 comp as the faintest one! I had to extrapolate this beyond my normal limits for the estimate. Would anyone have fainter sequence for this variable? Mike Linnolt On Sun, 22 Jun 2003, Claus Tappert wrote: > Dear colleagues, > > as of 2003-06-22 6:00 UT I find the dwarf nova V478 Sco having brightened > by 1.4 mag with respect to last night (based on CCD observations in the R > band). The system currently (7:00 UT) is still increasing at a rate of > roughly 0.05 mag/h. > > If the star has been in quiescence last night (the light curve seems to > indicate so), and assuming R = 16 (Zwitter & Munari 1996), this would mean > that roughly R = 14.5 at 2003-06-22 6:00 UT. > > Sorry that I can't be more specific, but I observed the system only to > fill in gaps between my actual targets, and I don't have any information > on suitable comparison stars of known brightness. > > Saludos, > Claus Tappert.
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