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[vsnet-alert 7583] (fwd) XX Dra outburst?

From: "Antonio de Ugarte Postigo" <de_ugarte@terra.es>
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2002 23:14:05 +0100
Subject: Fw: XX Dra outburst

A. de Ugarte Postigo (CEDEA-INTA), A.J. Castro-Tirado (LAEFF-INTA & IAA-CSIC),
 M. Jelínek (Ondrejov Astronomical Observatory), Petr Kubánek (Ondrejov 
Astronomical Observatory), T. Mateo Sanguino (CEDEA-INTA) and S. Vítek (CVUT, 
Prague) on behalf of the BOOTES team report:

    We have detected an outburst of the poorly known variable star XX Dra 
(R.A.: 19h 03m 58.9s Dec.:+49º 16' 30" ). We registerd this object with an I-band 
magnitude of about 8 on images taken on 28 November 2002 at 20:24 UT. New 
images taken on 29 November at 20:55 UT show a similar magnitude. This implies 
an ongoing outburst with an amplitude of at least 4 magnitudes on the basis of
comparison with the BOOTES and BART archival images taken in July and 
September 2002 respectively.

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