------- Forwarded Message Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 07:06:30 -0600 From: Michael Rupen <mrupen@aoc.nrao.edu> To: vsnet-adm@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp Subject: V4641 Sgr re-appears as a radio source! Dear colleagues, we've just submitted an IAU circular, reporting renewed radio activity in V4641 Sgr in mid- to late-June (latest detection was on 24jun02). This contrasts with several years of roughly-monthly monitoring at the VLA, which until the May outburst detected nothing to rms levels of order 50-150 microJy/beam. The current detections, showing variability up to a factor 100 in flux density on timescales less than a day, therefore represent a new state for this object. Continued optical, X-ray, and radio monitoring is of great interest. I would also be very interested to hear of any constraints on short timescale variability in June... Cheers, Michael Rupen NRAO/Socorro mrupen@nrao.edu ------- End of Forwarded Message