> the last night , I was observing M7, and I did a picture. In the >morning I opened the guide and I do not find a star near magnitude 7 >where I saw. Perhaps the star GSC 7386 355 is hight but I do not Know >if it is variable (this is the star nearest to GSC 7386 463 in the >position where I saw the star) MPchecker shows no asteroid brighter than V=10 within 300 arcmin from GSC 7386-355 on June 1.5-2.0. On the other hand, GSC 7386-355 is a interesting object. It is identified a rather bright (in X) ROSAT source, and designated as [PSC95] 73. It would be possible that this star shows some cataclythmic event. Sincerely Yours, Hitoshi Yamaoka, Kyushu Univ., Japan yamaoka@rc.kyushu-u.ac.jp