Dear SN watchers, A bright (discovery mag 14.7-8) SN was discovered by Puckett Obs. and the LOTOSS KAIT. It seems a young object and somewhat luminous as in NGC 1821. SN 2002bj was discovered on Feb. 28, and confirmed on the next night at the nearly same magnitude. It was not detected on Feb. 21, so it seems a young object. The position of SN (by KAIT team) is: R.A. = 5h11m46s.37, Decl. = -15o08'10".7 (2000.0), which is about 5" east and 6" south of the apparent center of a irregular-shaped (IB(s)m) galaxy NGC 1821. It lies superimposed on the central bar. The recession velocity of NGC 1821 is 3608 km/s (NED value) and there is notable Galactic extinction (A_V \sim 0.3 mag). If this velocity is of the Hubble flow, the expected maximum for typical SN Ia is mag about 15.3, which is already overcome by the discovery mag. The spectroscopic confirmation and further magnitude monitoring is urged. Sincerely Yours, Hitoshi Yamaoka, Kyushu Univ., Japan