All - I estimated V838 Mon at 7.2 on Feb. 4.292. In addition. V838 Mon continues quite bright on a Stardial ( red CCD image taken Feb. 5.161 - V838 Mon itself is saturated but looks to be near 7th magnitude. Jim Bedient Honolulu, Hawaii ----- Original Message ----- From: "Taichi Kato" <> To: <>; <> Cc: <>; <> Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 6:13 PM Subject: [vsnet-alert 7163] V838 Mon dramatically faded ???! > V838 Mon dramatically faded ???! > > We have received the following yet unconfirmed report that V838 Mon > (Possible Nova in Mon = GSC 4822.39) disappeared! Yasuo Watanabe > (Kanagawa, Japan) reports that the object was totally invisible at > the time of the observation, and is fainter than the nearby 9.4 mag star. > > Has anyone recorded the object around this time or confirmed the event? > > object YYYYMMDD(UT) mag code > MONV838 20020204.642 <94 Wny.VSOLJ > > Observer's code: > Wny: Y.Watanabe (Kanagawa.Japan) Instruments:10B > >