Dear all, I have performed astrometry with Berto's image (vsnet-alert 7041, 7042) with 66 GSC-ACT stars as: 15h39m26s.47 -52o19'18".2 (2000.0). The error is estimated as about 0".3. Previously reported positions: (equinox 2000.0) 15 39 27 -52 19.4 Woods & Bailey (1920) 15 39 26.26 -52 19 21.4 Duerbeck (1987) 26.20 21.3 Downes & Shara (WWW) -- 29.9 20 Liller, vsnet-alert 7004 26.61 pm0.18 18.6 pm0.5 Liller, vsnet-alert 7020 (IAUC 7789) 26.46 18.1 Monard, vsnet-alert 7041 26.47 18.2 This article -- 26.42 17.9 proposed quiescent, vsnet-alert 7026 Berto wrote in vsnet-alert 7041: >my preliminary coordinates for IM Nor: > >(2000) 15 39 26.46 -52 19 18.1 > >to be checked by Yamaoka-san! Yes, it is quite accurate! Sincerely Yours, Hitoshi Yamaoka, Kyushu Univ., Japan