Following a suggestion from Alfredo Pereira I attempted multiple observations of V4740 Sgr (Nova Sgr 2001 #3) earlier tonight. Although I was often impeded by cloud, there is clear evidence of magnitude changes on a short timescale: star YYYYMMDD.(UT) mag SGRV4740 20010914.436 74 SGRV4740 20010914.440 70 SGRV4740 20010914.446 71 SGRV4740 20010914.479 73 SGRV4740 20010914.482 75 SGRV4740 20010914.532 72 7x50 binoculars, AAVSO sequence. The nova and its comparisons are readily encompassed in a single 7x50 starfield, so it's easy to know when clouds obscure the view. I conclude that these variations are real. It's not possible to say (yet) if these variations are periodic, but high speed photometry may prove interesting either way. cheers, Fraser Farrell