RX J0640-24 (UG:) RXJ0640-24 20000104.302 154C Scp RXJ0640-24 20000106.348 115C Scp Sequence: USNO-A2.0 (red magnitudes) Instrument: IRO (0.5-m RCT + AP-8) A minor brightening was observed with the same instrument on 1999 Dec. 14. The only previously known outburst was recorded on an ESO B plate (mag about 11). This cataclysmic variable is also known as 1RXS J064047.8-242305 and RE J0640-24. USNO-A2.0 data: 06:40:47.723 -24:23:14.50 (2000.0) r= 14.7, b= 16.3 Robert Fried (Braeside Observatory) confirms the outburst and reports an instrumental unfiltered magnitude of 11.8 for Jan. 7.185 UT. Time-resolved photometry during the current bright outburst is strongly recommended. Patrick