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[vsnet-alert 2988] Stars near NGC 3227

     Michael Schwatrz said he would aim his SN-hunting robot telescope in
southern Arizona on NGC 3226/27 tonight.  It is quite clear down there now,
so we should know the result within a few hours.
     Kato-san has already posted the three stars near the galaxy contained in
my photometric reference file.  So far I haven't been able to recover where
I got those numbers(!), but they're probably reasonably good.  Just now I found
another paper by Dmitri Tsvetkov (1988 Russian AJ 32, 72 [English]; 65, 140 
[Russian]) that includes BV photometry for some additional stars.  The
overlap with the first list suggests his photoelectric data are okay but a 
little noisy (0.03-0.05 mag. scatter)---okay for now, but new multicolor
determinations would be welcome.
     The list below repeats the three stars from my file with R magnitudes
computed from the V and B-V.  Below this are additional stars from Tsvetkov.
The first five were observed photoelectrically with a 60cm telescope; the
three fainter ones in parentheses were measured on photographic plates using
a Racine-type wedge-prism.  Again, they are probably okay for the moment, but
if someone can observe these with CCD using filters relative to the zero-point
set by the ensemble of the brighter stars, then I (at least) would feel better
about them.  Use with caution for now.
     I note that the Tycho photometry for the brighter stars in the field have
large internal errors, and indeed only for "NGC 3227 2" is the match close;
for the others the Tycho errors are greatly underestimated.

     ...I just realized _I_ could go out and look at this thing!  Will report
again in a little while....


Name                  RA  (2000)  Dec    s     GSC       V    B-V      R
NGC 3227 2         10 23 34.3  +20 01 55 G  1426-0842  11.11  0.49  (10.82)
NGC 3227 1         10 23 13.6  +19 56 23 G  1423-0124  12.83  0.65  (12.46)
NGC 3227 4         10 23 10.9  +19 52 05 G  1423-0168  13.54  0.68  (13.16)

1                  10 23 20.7  +19 41 52 G  1423-0013   9.83  1.37
2                  10 23 20.3  +19 45 15 G  1423-0045  11.11  0.54
3                  10 23 16.5  +19 45 26 G  1423-0040  11.93  0.89
4                  10 22 59.6  +19 58 44 G  1423-0021  12.44  0.75
7                  10 23 13.9  +19 57 57 G  1423-0199  13.83  1.03
8                  10 23 43.2  +19 46 28 G  1423-0268 (14.47  0.65)
9                  10 23 36.2  +19 50 10 G  1423-0032 (14.73  0.80)
10                 10 23 41.7  +19 51 32 G  1423-0285 (15.22  0.88)

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