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[vsnet-alert 2870] SN 1999br in NGC 4900

cf. vsnet-chat 1771
cf. vsnet-chart 144

Dear SN watchers,

  Today, IAUC 7141 and 7142 informed that 3 new supernovae are
discovered.  Among them, two are remarkably nearby objects and will
potentially become bright.  

  The (probably) nearest one is SN 1999br, which are discovered by
LOSS team with KAIT.  It was found on Apr. 12.4 and confirmed on Apr.
13.2, when it was about 17.5 mag on both epoch.  Its location is: R.A.
= 13h00m41s.80, Decl. = +2o29'45".8 (2000.0), which is about 40" east
and 19" south from the core of the host galaxy NGC 4900.  Note that
there is a foreground star (GSC0029800001 = U0900_07334738, GSC mag =
11.29, USNO r_mag = 11.3), from which the supernova is about 12" east
and 16" north.  

  The host galaxy NGC 4900 has a rather peculiar appearance.  Although
it is classified as SBc galaxy, the spiral arm is not clearly seen on 
DSS1 image.  It has somewhat spherical shape with many bright blobs,
which apparently resembles with a planetary nebula.  The SN locates
near to the edge of the most east-southeastern blob in the outermost
region of the galaxy's disk.

  The distance of NGC 4900 is comparable to the Virgo cluster, which
means that the typical SNeIa on this galaxy would be 12 mag or so on
their maximum.  Even if it is the gravitational-collapse driven
supernova, the maximum brightness is expected as 14 mag or so (of
course without the absorption by the circumstellar and interstellar
medium of the host galaxy).  Followup observation is extremely

Sincerely Yours,
Hitoshi Yamaoka, Kyushu Univ., Japan

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