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[vsnet-alert 2841] Sequernce for DH Aql

Comparison star sequence for DH Aql

To help observers during the current superoutburst of this object, 
here is the comparison star sequence for this variable. This is one 
of the sequences I have derived from Arne's photometry. Further 
sequence are at:


54.  DH AQUILAE   (UGSU)   Range: 12.4-18.3V     
     Position: 19 26 10.84  -10 15 29.6 (J2000 - from .dat file)
     Magnitude in .dat file: V=18.279 B-V=0.256

ID     RA  (2000)   DEC        X    Y  N    V      ERR     B-V    ERR 

1    19 26 21.1  -10 14 53   151   37  3  12.343  0.021   1.400  0.028  
2    19 26 12.3  -10 15 23    21    7  3  12.718  0.005   0.546  0.010  
3    19 26 08.1  -10 12 33   -42  177  3  13.223  0.009   0.638  0.012  
4    19 26 17.3  -10 16 16    95  -46  3  13.394  0.006   1.325  0.005  
5    19 26 15.0  -10 12 48    60  162  3  13.808  0.009   0.725  0.009  
6    19 26 08.7  -10 16 33   -33  -63  3  14.302  0.009   1.410  0.002  
7    19 26 07.3  -10 14 40   -53   50  3  14.834  0.005   1.082  0.008  
8    19 26 06.1  -10 15 29   -72    1  3  15.296  0.009   0.769  0.003  
9    19 26 12.6  -10 15 15    26   15  3  15.425  0.132   0.769  0.022  
10   19 26 12.8  -10 15 38    29   -8  3  15.481  0.014   1.036  0.015  
11   19 26 06.6  -10 16 07   -64  -37  3  15.837  0.024   1.202  0.010  
12   19 26 07.7  -10 15 25   -47    5  3  16.043  0.021   1.274  0.002  
13   19 26 10.1  -10 15 07   -11   23  3  16.671  0.020   1.143  0.020  
14   19 26 12.3  -10 16 02    21  -32  3  16.982  0.013   0.868  0.045  

X and Y offsets are in arcsecs, positive north and positive east respectively.

The magnitude of 9 is contaminated by 2, and it would be best to avoid using 
it as a comparison star if possible.

Bruce Sumner

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