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[vsnet-alert 2823] U Gem eclipse ephemeris (correction)

U Gem eclipse ephemeris (correction)

  Please disregard the preceding ephemeris.  Here is the correct ones
for April, _1999_.  Thanks for Lew for pointing out the error.  The times
are geocentric UT.

  YYMMDD hh:mm:ss (UT, Geo)
  990331 01:29:22
  990331 05:44:09
  990331 09:58:55
  990331 14:13:41
  990331 18:28:27
  990331 22:43:13

  990401 02:57:59
  990401 07:12:46
  990401 11:27:32
  990401 15:42:18
  990401 19:57:04

  990402 00:11:50
  990402 04:26:36
  990402 08:41:22
  990402 12:56:09
  990402 17:10:55
  990402 21:25:41

  990403 01:40:27
  990403 05:55:13
  990403 10:09:59
  990403 14:24:46
  990403 18:39:32
  990403 22:54:18

  990404 03:09:04
  990404 07:23:50
  990404 11:38:37
  990404 15:53:23
  990404 20:08:09

  990405 00:22:55
  990405 04:37:41
  990405 08:52:27
  990405 13:07:14
  990405 17:22:00
  990405 21:36:46

  990406 01:51:32
  990406 06:06:18
  990406 10:21:05
  990406 14:35:51
  990406 18:50:37
  990406 23:05:23

  990407 03:20:09
  990407 07:34:55
  990407 11:49:42
  990407 16:04:28
  990407 20:19:14

  990408 00:34:00
  990408 04:48:46
  990408 09:03:33
  990408 13:18:19
  990408 17:33:05
  990408 21:47:51

  990409 02:02:37
  990409 06:17:24
  990409 10:32:10
  990409 14:46:56
  990409 19:01:42
  990409 23:16:28

  990410 03:31:15
  990410 07:46:01
  990410 12:00:47
  990410 16:15:33
  990410 20:30:19

  990411 00:45:06
  990411 04:59:52
  990411 09:14:38
  990411 13:29:24
  990411 17:44:10
  990411 21:58:57

  990412 02:13:43
  990412 06:28:29
  990412 10:43:15
  990412 14:58:01
  990412 19:12:48
  990412 23:27:34

  990413 03:42:20
  990413 07:57:06
  990413 12:11:53
  990413 16:26:39
  990413 20:41:25

  990414 00:56:11
  990414 05:10:57
  990414 09:25:44
  990414 13:40:30
  990414 17:55:16
  990414 22:10:02

  990415 02:24:48
  990415 06:39:35
  990415 10:54:21
  990415 15:09:07
  990415 19:23:53
  990415 23:38:39

  990416 03:53:26
  990416 08:08:12
  990416 12:22:58
  990416 16:37:44
  990416 20:52:30

  990417 01:07:17
  990417 05:22:03
  990417 09:36:49
  990417 13:51:35
  990417 18:06:22
  990417 22:21:08

  990418 02:35:54
  990418 06:50:40
  990418 11:05:26
  990418 15:20:13
  990418 19:34:59
  990418 23:49:45

  990419 04:04:31
  990419 08:19:17
  990419 12:34:04
  990419 16:48:50
  990419 21:03:36

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