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[vsnet-alert 2816] Re: SN 1999bg in IC 758

Dear SN watchers,

  We, K. Ayani and H. Yamaoka, have gotten a spectrum of SN 1999bg
last night, which seems that it would be of type II.  We have sent a
message attached below to CBAT.

# The clober-shaped nebulae I have noted has been revealed as a H II
# region associated with the host galaxy ;-) .

Sincerely Yours,
Kazuya Ayani and Hitoshi Yamaoka

>K. Ayani, Bisei Astronomical Observatory (BAO); and H. Yamaoka, Kyushu
University, report: "We have obtained a CCD spectrum (range 400-750
nm) of SN 1999bg (cf. IAUC 7135) on Mar. 31.6 UT with the 1.01-m BAO
telescope.  Preliminary reduction reveals that, although affected by
moonlight, the spectrum shows an almost featureless continuum with
weak, broad absorption feature around 470 nm.  Also there probably
exists a weak P Cyg-like feature in the range of 625-680 nm.  If they
are of H-beta and H-alpha (thus it is of type II), the expansion
velocity would be around 11,000 km/s.  The narrow H-alpha emission,
likely due to the surrounding H II region which coincides with the
position of SN 1999bg on second Digitized Sky Survey image, shows that
the recession velocity of IC 758 is about 1,100 km/s.

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