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[vsnet-alert 2738] U Sco eclipse emerged!

U Sco eclipse emerged!

Dear Colleagues,

   From CCD time-series taken on Mar. 3 at the Ouda team rooftop station
(25-cm SCT + ST-7 unfiltered), we have detected the emerging feature of
the secondary eclipse.  The observed eclipse is centered on Mar. 3.797 UT,
no totality (V-shaped), depth being 0.05 mag, duration of the partial
eclipse being two hours.  The predicted secondary eclipse time is
Mar. 3.823 UT based on Schaefer and Ringwald's (ApJ 447, L45) revised
ephemeris.  This is probably the first photometric signature of the orbital
modulation in the present outburst of U Sco.

   Further observations are strongly urged.

Katsura Matsumoto and Taichi Kato,
Ouda team

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