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[vsnet-alert 2727] NSV 08383 outburst / identification

 Dear VSNET readers,

I have identified NSV 08383 at its outburst position with star
USNO-A2.0 0225-27288943 at location 17 16 52.75 -65 32 47.1 This star
has a quiescent magnitude around 17.3 and B-R=0.7 which indicates the
blue colour of this object when compared to neighbouring stars of that
brightness level at quiescence.
I am confident that NSV08383 is a cv in outburst and not like V2323
Sgr and now recently V2038 Sgr which are non cvs and probable Mira
It would be very opportune to have this outburst confirmed and
specified by UBVRI (at least blue-red) measurements.

I propose the following comparison stars, calibrated vs a nearby GSPC
sequence, USNO-A2.0 refers:
0225-27292846 at 17 16 59.3 -65 32 17 , mag 143
0225-27286104 at 17 16 48.0 -65 31 36 , mag 139
0225-27277133 at 17 16 33.0 -65 31 42 , mag 147

These sequence stars are sufficiently 'white' to allow proper visual
comparison to bluish NSV 08383.

My recent observations using the above sequence

NSV08383   990223.99   <139   MLF
NSV08383   990227.11   142   MLF   
NSV08383   990228.106   141   MLF

Best regards,

Berto Monard


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