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[vsnet-alert 2451] Re: Possible super nova in NGC 925

Re: Possible super nova in NGC 925
(Re: [vsnet-alert 2450])

   The pointed object is identical with a known star

= GSC2327.397 022705.33 +333153.4 (2000.0) 12.96 6
= GSC2327.397 022705.35 +333152.7 (2000.0) 13.13 1
= USNO1200.01056305 022705.375 +333153.27 (2000.0) 13.0 14.3

   The query on the same object near NGC 925 had been already posted to
vsnet-alert, and had already been identified with the GSC star above.
Is this star missing on some well-known supernova search chart?

Taichi Kato

PS. decoded image is placed at


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