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[vsnet-alert 2442] Re: possible SN in NGC925

G'day Steve,

This galaxy was visually examined tonight by Peter Nation and myself; 
using the 40cm telescope at ASSA's Douglas Scrub Observatory (35d11'27"S
138d35'40"E).  Time was Dec 11 11:00-11:30UT.

We found no new object brighter than 13th mag within 10' of the centre
of NGC 925; using the GSC and Tycho catalogues as references.  But there
is an 11th mag GSC star near the reported position which may confuse
some observers.

Examination for fainter objects was precluded by the low altitude and
heat/dust haze - the local air temperature was still almost 40C at the
time of observation!  GUIDE 6 also lists no known asteroids or variable
stars brighter than mag 15.0 within 20' of the galaxy.

Although the discovery message cites several positive observations, I
speculate that this "SN" is actually an uncatalogued dwarf nova in our
galaxy.  Better luck next time....

Fraser Farrell

http://vsnet.dove.net.au/~fraserf/  email: fraserf@dove.net.au

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