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[vsnet-alert 2316] Re: Vsnet-alert 2312 (Nova Sco 1998).

The following table lists data on comparison stars for Nova Sco 1998. All
stars are
shown on the special chart (VSM 70) currently being distrbuted to observers
of the
VSS,RASNZ. I am reposting this table, as Albert Jones has pointed out several
errors and discrepancies, for which I am thankful. Additional comments are
Most of the problems concern HD identities. 
HD 163065 :  was misprinted as 163605 in vsnet-alert 2312.
HD 163000 and HDE 318577 : these numbers were switched in vsnet-alert 2312.
TABLE (Corrected):
  HD      RA 2000    DEC 2000       V      B-V    Notes
162815  17:54:15.6 -31:15:38    8.83     0.15    HIC
163065  17 55 33.1 -30 33  8    8.63     0.37    GCPD
163066  17 55 33.3 -30 40 59    8.90     0.13    HIC
163273  17 56 42.8 -31 31 18    8.76     0.04    HIC
163454  17 57 31.9 -31  0 54    8.24     0.26    GCPD
318501  17 54  7.8 -31  9 26   10.93     0.49    GCPD
......  17 55 15.0 -31  1 42    ...       ...    GSC m =9.50.  "x"
318577  17 55 17.2 -30 57 47    ...       ...    GSC m =9.91.  "y"
163000  17 55 16.8 -31  0 17    ...       ...    GSC m =10.07  "z"

HIC = Hipparcos Input Cat.
GCPD= General Cat. of Photometric Data.

ALL coordinates are correct. I identified the HD/HDE stars by comparing a plot
of GSC stars against chart 177, Harvard Annals No. 112 (the Henry Draper
All HD and HDE stars in the region are clearly labelled. Star "x" has no HD
or HDE
number, probably because it appears to be a close double on the HDE chart. This
may cause problems if used as a comparison star.
HD 163000. Albert Jones, using Guide 6.0, had a problem in identifying this
HD star.
From the position in my table, if one precesses back to 1900, the
declination would
be -30o59'7" (or close to it). The declination according to Guide 6.0 is -30o58'
(from the HD Catalog), which is slightly too far north.
HDE chart 177 clearly shows my stars x,y and z. HDE 318577 is clearly
marked, 2' or
so north of HD 163000 which is the middle star in this curving line of 3 stars.


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