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[vsnet-alert 2312] Sequence star data - Nova Sco 1998

The following table lists data on comparison stars for Nova Sco 1998. All
stars are
shown on the special chart (VSM 70) currently being distrbuted to observers
of the

  HD      RA 2000    DEC 2000       V      B-V    Notes
162815  17:54:15.6 -31:15:38    8.83     0.15    HIC
163605  17 55 33.1 -30 33  8    8.63     0.37    GCPD
163066  17 55 33.3 -30 40 59    8.90     0.13    HIC
163273  17 56 42.8 -31 31 18    8.76     0.04    HIC
163454  17 57 31.9 -31  0 54    8.24     0.26    GCPD
318501  17 54  7.8 -31  9 26   10.93     0.49    GCPD
......  17 55 15.0 -31  1 42    ...       ...    GSC m =9.50.  "x"
163000  17 55 17.2 -30 57 47    ...       ...    GSC m =9.91.  "y"
318577  17 55 16.8 -31  0 17    ...       ...    GSC m =10.07  "z"

HIC = Hipparcos Input Cat.
GCPD= General Cat. of Photometric Det.

Three stars, x, y and z, without good photometry, have been selected to fill
the gap between 8.90 and 10.93. Maybe some photometry exists somewhere, but
I have not found any.  
I have ordered Guide ver. 7.0, but will not be shipped till November.


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