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[vsnet-alert 2187] THAPA Workshop at Sonneberg Observatory (Kroll)

From owner-vsnet-err@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp Tue Sep 15 20:51 JST 1998
From: Peter.Kroll@STW.TU-Ilmenau.DE (Peter Kroll)
To: owner-vsnet-alert@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp,
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 98 13:45:27 MDT
Cc: pk@sophia.stw.tu-ilmenau.de (Peter Kroll)
Subject: [vsnet-err 98990] THAPA Workshop at Sonneberg Observatory
Content-Type: text
Content-Length: 4029

Dear Colleagues,

below you will find an announcement of the international workshop

"Treasure-Hunting in Astronomical Plate Archives" (THAPA)

to be held at Sonneberg Observatory, Dec. 3-5, 1998.

Although the topics of the workshop embrace several field of research
in Astronomy and Computer Science, the study of variable stars and all
kind of objects showing any kind of variability is of particular
interest and might therefore be interesting to vsnet readers.

Sonneberg Observatory runs a new scanner (HISS = HIgh-Speed Scanner)
since two weeks. With the help of it we should be able to digitize our
plate archive (containing more then 250 000 exposures from 1925 to
today) as a whole within five to ten years. Every digitized plate will
be put in the web as highly compressed (~ 1:60) image, starting in a
few weeks. 

>From the analysis of the data, we expect to detect several thousands
(or more) of new variable stars down to the 14th magnitude (max.).

The topics of the workshop are preliminary. Feel free to suggest
further subjects. 

Peter Kroll


			International Workshop

	"Treasure-Hunting in Astronomical Plate Archives" (THAPA)

	to be held at Sonneberg Observatory, Dec. 3 - 5, 1998,


Session 1: Technical concepts and solutions

	- digitizing large surveys and patrol plate archives
	- modern high-speed scanners
	- reasonable and transportable scanners
	- running and upcoming digitization projects
	- photometric and astrometric calibration

Session 2: Astrophysics

	- optical counterparts of gamma-ray-bursts in plate archives
	- gravitational microlensing events on photographic plates
	- wholesale detection of variable stars
	- statistics on the basis of large sets of variable star data
	- long-term variability of variable stars
	- variation of extra-galactic objects 

Session 3: Astrometry

	- CdC and other astrometric projects
	- positions and proper motions from plate archives
	- detecting and measuring minor planets
	- searching PHA on plate archives 
	- measuring variable star positions 

Session 4: Data reduction

	- extraction packages for photometry and astrometry
	- real-time processing
	- data pipeline for automatic data reduction
	- compression tools and problems
	- image detection, cataloguing, classification

Session 5: Databases

	- archiving and databases
	- database structures for large plate archives
	- links to existing databases and catalogues
	- on-line service and accessibility
	- search facilities
	- intelligent database management: generating new insights
	- interrelation of plate archive databases

All topics should be regarded as rough guidelines to what the workshop
will cover. Suggestions of further subjects would be highly appreciated. 

Each session shall embrace one or two invited talks and about three
contributed talks. In general there should be plenty of time for
discussion. There will be enough space for any posters.

The number of participants is limited to about 30. An extended social
program is not intended. 

There will be no registration fee, but also no financial support for
local or travel expenses.

Detailed information on registration and accomodation will be made
available on the workshop's homepage


or can be obtained through office@stw.tu-ilmenau.de 

SOC: Constanze la Dous, Peter Kroll, Tam Br\"auer

LOC: SOC, Angelika Wicklein

Peter Kroll
Sonneberg, Sep. 9, 1998

| Dr. Peter Kroll      |                      |                       |
+----------------------+ Sternwarte Sonneberg |   S O N N E B E R G   |
| Tel. (49) 3675 81214 | Sternwartestr. 32    |                       |
| Fax. (49) 3675 81219 | D 96515 Sonneberg    | O B S E R V A T O R Y |
| pk@stw.tu-ilmenau.de | GERMANY              |                       |

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