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[vsnet-alert 2146] V592 Her superhumps becoming less apparent!?

V592 Her superhumps becoming less apparent!?

   An anlalysis of recent CCD observations by Garradd (vsnet-obs 14767, 14768)
and Masi (vsnet-obs 14738, 14742) has shown the superhumps in V592 Her
seems to have decayed.  The amplitude at P=0.05705 (earlier estimate) is
now about 0.1 mag as shown in the following phase-averaged data (the
superhump phase is arbitrarily taken).

   phase     mean mag     error  N
  -0.45594   -0.01775    0.02703 13
  -0.35520   -0.06358    0.02575 14
  -0.25210   -0.03785    0.02241 14
  -0.14749    0.03326    0.02603 14
  -0.04776    0.04228    0.03245 12
   0.05534    0.02399    0.02595 21
   0.14826    0.04478    0.03146 24
   0.24268   -0.05351    0.02853 20
   0.35297    0.00262    0.02836 19
   0.45202    0.00998    0.03502 12
   0.54406   -0.01775    0.02703 13
   0.64480   -0.06358    0.02575 14
   0.74790   -0.03785    0.02241 14
   0.85251    0.03326    0.02603 14
   0.95224    0.04228    0.03245 12
   1.05534    0.02399    0.02595 21
   1.14826    0.04478    0.03146 24
   1.24268   -0.05351    0.02853 20
   1.35297    0.00262    0.02836 19
   1.45202    0.00998    0.03502 12
   1.54406   -0.01775    0.02703 13

   There is also some indicatation of the rapid fading between Garradd's and
Masi's observations.  The object being past 11 days after the outburst
maximum, it may possibly entering a new stage of the superoutburst, either
a stage of precipitous decline or a temporary fading (as in WZ Sge and
AL Com), or some other unexperienced (?).  Please continue keeping a close
eye on this object, and inform anything particular.

Taichi Kato

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