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[vsnet-alert 2136] Deep image of new object? in And (J015114+360550 was new Tri)

Deep image of new object? in And (J015114+360550 was new Tri)

   Albert Dill has kindly provided a deep image of this field:

   The image is placed at



  My name is Albert Dill (DLA) and I've been reading vsnet without
participating much for several years now.  I obtained a ccd image of the
area of the new object  in Andromeda last night which goes a little
deeper than any I've seen so far.  I have no idea how deep, which brings
me to the point where I should explain my lack of experience a bit. 
I've been doing vso visually since about 1993 but just obtained a ccd
camera a few weeks ago.  The image attached to this message does not
show the object reported on vsnet, so I wasn't too concerned about
maintaining the integrity of the origional image.  It is a .fits image
obtained with a Starlight Express MX5 on an 8" SCT at f/6.3.  It is a
composite of two images, one of 7 min. duration centered on 9:29  UT and
one  of 10 min. duration centered on 9:40  UT  this morning 9/3/98.  The
product was subjected to a linear stretch.  In the image South is up and
East is to the left.  I'm sorry, but I don't have the software correct
any of that in a .fits image.  If you should decide to post it, please
correct the orientation and crop the image for me.  I  still don't have
things set up quite the way I want them here.  If you like will send the
origional images which have been only dark framed and flat fielded. 
Thank you for your time,  Albert Dill

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