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[vsnet-alert 2106] (fwd) V592 Her: still practicing

From owner-vsnet-obs@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp Tue Sep  1 03:52 JST 1998
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 14:52:31 -0400 (EDT)
From: Joe Patterson <jop@astro.columbia.edu>
Subject: [vsnet-obs 14506] V592 Her: still practicing


We could not find support for the suggestion that superhumps
have started in Gordon Garradd's August 30 light curve.  By
interleaving this light curve with additional segments
obtained a few hours before and after, we found a full
amplitude upper limit of 0.04 mag for any signals at
frequencies greater than 10 cycles/day.  This includes all
plausible superhump frequencies and their harmonics.

Superhumps are usually born with a rush, like sunrise.  So
the little wiggles in Gordon's data are very likely not the
dawn of superhumps.  Think of them as more like morning
zodiacal light.  The real superhumps are, however, coming
soon to a sky near you.  Keep up the vigil!  (And we'd love
to hear from observers.)

Joe Patterson     CBA-New York  jop@astro.columbia.edu
Bob Fried         CBA-Braeside
Dave Harvey       CBA-Tucson
Dave Skillman     CBA-Maryland
Gordon Garradd    CBA-Loomberah

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