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[vsnet-alert 2019] (fwd) Warner Symposium 1999

Date: Sun, 9 Aug 1998 13:39:28 +0100 (BST)
From: Warner Symposium <warner@astro.ox.ac.uk>
Subject: Warner Symposium 1999

                           1st ANNOUNCEMENT:

                         CATACLYSMIC VARIABLES: 


        12-16 April 1999, Department of Astrophysics, Oxford, UK

             LOC: Phil Charles, Erik Kuulkers & Tariq Shahbaz 

           SOC: Phil Charles, Andrew King & Darragh O'Donoghue


The aim of the workshop is to address the current status and knowledge in the
field of cataclysmic variables in honour of Brian Warner's 60th birthday. 
Emphasis will be on active research areas and major outstanding problems. 


The Symposium will take place in the main lecture theatre of the Nuclear
& Astrophysics Laboratory (NAPL) of Oxford University, Keble Road. 
Space available in the Theatre will strictly limit the number of participants 
to 100.

The scientific programme will consist of invited talks and short
contributions, whilst allowing plenty of time for discussions. The
meeting is to be structured in 90 min sessions containing two 30 min
invited talks plus 30 min of related short contributions/discussions.
There will be poster sessions, with posters accessible throughout the

The scientific organising committee will select contributed talks and
posters on the basis of abstracts received by JAN 31, 1999. A detailed
programme will be given later, however, topics to be covered will include
accretion discs (theory and observations), dwarf novae, evolution,
magnetic systems, novae and outburst mechanisms.


Accommodation has been arranged at very reasonable rates with the
nearby St Hugh's College, which will also be the venue for the
Reception and Conference Dinner.  B&B rates are either 33 pounds
(en-suite) or 21 pounds (shared facilities) per person per night.
Alternatively there are a number of conveniently located (but mostly
more expensive) local hotels.  For further details and making
reservations please email the Conference Secretary Ms Beatriz
Bengoechea (sec@astro.ox.ac.uk), address see below.


We anticipate charging a registration fee of approximately 45 pounds which
will include a light buffet reception (at St Hugh's on Sunday 11 April),
light refreshments throughout the meeting, and a copy of the Symposium
Proceedings (to be published by Elsevier as an issue of New Astronomy
Reviews).  We are currently investigating possible funding sources to
help with attendance at the meeting. Please register for the meeting through
our registration web page.


A conference dinner has been arranged at St Hugh's College on Thursday
15 April at 7pm at a (fully inclusive) cost of 30 pounds per head.
Menu details will be made available later and will include a vegetarian


It is proposed to keep Wednesday afternoon (14 April) free for Oxford's
equivalent of white-water rafting i.e. punting, but given the English weather
it is more likely to be a trip to Blenheim Palace or an
Oxford college tour.  To gauge interest and numbers please indicate
when you register whether you would be interested in such locally
arranged activities.  We are also investigating what musical and
theatre entertainment will be available during that week and will 
place details on the meeting Web page when we have them.


Beatriz Bengoechea,
Conference Secretary,
Brian Warner Symposium 
Astrophysics, NAPL, 
Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3RH,
United Kingdom 

Phone: +44 1865 273303 
Fax: +44 1865 273390 
e-mail: sec@physics.ox.ac.uk

For further information see http://vsnet-astro.physics.ox.ac.uk/~warner/.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Oxford April 1999,

Phil Charles, Erik Kuulkers & Tariq Shahbaz

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