Dear dwarf novae observers, According to Vsnet-alert message by Mr. Monard, I observed V2323 Sgr on May 21 using CCD without filter. V2323 Sgr was around 11.7 using nearby comparison (Tycho catalog sequence). It is much brighter than Monad's observation and V2323 Sgr may have red color. I used "A Catalog and atlas of cataclysmic variables -1st edition" by Downs and Shara for identification. I can not follow up observation due to bad weather. Any suggestion? Seiichiro Kiyota ---- Seiichiro Kiyota Laboratory of Stress Physiology Department of Plant Physiology National Insititute of Agrobiological Resources Tel:81-298-38-8384 Fax:81-298-38-8347