V844 Herculis (= Var43 Her) continues to show strong superhumps during its current superoutburst. Merged coverage from 5 CBA stations shows a principal period of 0.05602+-0.00011 d during May 25-31. Very short. Very complex too: large wiggles in the O-C and variability in the waveform suggest the possibility of another signal closely spaced in period. Fourier analysis yields a second period at 0.05534+-0.00010 d, but this must be regarded with caution as power-spectrum structure can also be produced by mere amplitude changes (if strong enough). Second period or no, the star is of very high interest, and we earnestly seek help from other observers able to obtain time-series photometry, in order to produce the best sampling of this remarkable light curve. We expect to be watching the star throughout June. The CBA team, so far: Joe Patterson (New York) (jop@astro.columbia.edu, 802-425-5008) Tonny Vanmunster (Belgium) Lasse Jensen (Denmark) Dave Skillman (Maryland) Dave Harvey (Arizona-Tucson) Bob Fried (Arizona-Flagstaff)