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[vsnet-alert 457] AAVSO News Flash

Attention vsnet subscribers!

The AAVSO is happy to announce that its recently established electronic 
publication - AAVSO News Flash - is now posted on the AAVSO ftp site at 
the following address:

            (IP address, in /pub/newsflashes/)

Also, there is a link to the News Flash ftp site from the "What's New" page 
of the AAVSO web site: 
Those interested can view and download the News Flash through these sites.

Vsnet subscribers will now receive only an announcement which gives the AAVSO 
News Flash number and the stars included in that News Flash rather than the 
full text of the News Flash.  

If you would like to subscribe directly to the AAVSO News Flash (free of 
charge) we would be happy to add your name to our AAVSO News Flash mailing 
list.  You can subscribe by sending your name, your preferred email address, 
and the message "subscribe to News Flash" to the following address:


We are excited about this addition to our ftp and web sites!  We invite you 
to visit our web site for information on other AAVSO services.

Good observing!

Janet A. Mattei

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