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[vsnet-alert 306] outburst of S10932

    CCD observation at Ouda Station seems to show the eclipsing dwarf nova
S10932 in outburst at V~13.5 on Jan. 1.83 UT.  Since we have no precise
finding chart and lack of suitable GSC stars in the CCD field, independent
confirmation is very strongly urged.

                   R.A. (2000.0) Decl.     type    range
    S10932      12 39 32.1   +21 08 06    UG:+E 13.4    18.5p

 from [vsnet 133] call for observations of S10932

>     In IBVS No. 4182 (Wenzel and Schwartz), S10932 (=RXJ1239.5+2108) has
> been announced to be a new eclipsing cataclysmic variable (likely a dwarf
> nova) below the period gap.  Intensive monitor for outbursts would be
> interesting as the third member of eclipsing SU UMa (candidates) in the
> northern hemisphere (the other two are HT Cas and DV UMa).
>     Position and the elements are as follows:
>     12h 39m 32s.1
>     +21o 08' 06"  (J2000.0)
>         UG:+E
>       13.4-18.5p
>   (from Richter 1994, poster presented at Padova CV Conference)

   According to IBVS No. 4182, the mid-eclipse times are given as:

    Min.(hel.) = JD 2449486.4821 + 0.08703 E

Taichi Kato

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