D. Levy reports an outburst of TV Corvi. It was observed at V=13 on 1 april UT. This object is a TOAD and showed superhumps of period ~1.65 hrs, during its last reported outburst in June 1994. Confirmation and observations of this object are requested. A chart and some history are available in Downes and Shara (PASP Feb 1993) and the LEvy reference listed within. Cheers, Steve Howell Steve B. Howell Planetary Science Institute, Astrophysics Group 620 N. 6th Ave. Tucson, AZ 85705 USA Phone (520) 622-6300 Fax (520) 622-8060 e-mail: howell@frankenstein.psi.edu homepage: http://vsnet.psi.edu/