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VS Obs Dec 22

Variable Star Observations for December 22nd 1994
Gary Poyner                        
All observations are visual and made with a 40cm reflector
unless stated otherwise. 
Moonlight & fog later.  
Star         UT Dec        Mag    
3C66A    Dec 22.868        14.2
And DX       22.877        14.9
And FN       22.876       <15.5
And HP       22.872       <14.0
And KV       22.869       <14.5
And LL       22.874       <14.8
And LS       22.872       <14.6
And PQ       22.874       <15.2
And RX       22.870        14.0
And Z        22.878        10.8
Ari SV       22.886       <14.5
Ari TT       22.885        10.7
Aur SS       22.869        11.2
Cam Z        22.888        11.8
Cas HT       22.867       <14.7
Cas UV       22.865        10.7
Cas V452     22.867       <14.1
Cas V630     22.866       <14.7
Cas V635     22.865       <14.4
Cas V705     22.864        12.3
Cyg V1974    22.863        13.8
Dra AB       22.862        13.2
Dra DO       22.890       <14.2
Gem AW       22.896       <15.2
Gem CI       22.892       <14.0
Gem IR       22.891       <14.5
NSV00895     22.882       <15.2
Ori CZ       22.895        13.6
Peg IP       22.863       <13.8
Per DY       22.881        10.7
Per GK       22.881        13.1
Per QY       22.883       <14.9
Per TZ       22.880        14.7
Per UV       22.879       <15.2
Per UW       22.878       <15.1
Per V400     22.883       <14.0
Per V518     22.884       <14.5
Tau HW       22.894       <14.0
Tau RR       22.894        12.9
Tau SU       22.892        11.1
UMa BZ       22.890       <14.7
UMa CH       22.888       <14.4
UMa SU       22.889        13.9
UMa SW       22.887       <14.7
UMi Z        22.861        11.8