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VS Obs Oct 25

Variable Star Observations for October 25th 1994
Gary Poyner
All observations are visual and made with a 40cm reflector
unless otherwise stated.
Breaks in cloud, rain later
Star           UT Dec          Mag   
And 3C66A  Oct 25.828          14.3
And DX         25.825          14.8
And FN         25.826         <15.5
And HP         25.830         <14.0
And KV         25.829         <14.5
And LL         25.831         <15.0
And LS         25.831         <14.6
And PQ         25.832         <15.2
And RX         25.827          14.0
And Z          25.826          10.7
Aql V1419      25.809          13.6
Aql V603       25.810          11.6
Ari SV         25.842         <15.2
Ari TT         25.842          10.8
Cam AF         25.838         <14.1
Cas HT         25.824         <15.5
Cas UV         25.822          10.7
Cas V452       25.824         <14.1
Cas V630       25.823         <14.7
Cas V635       25.822          14.8
Cas V705       25.822          12.3
CrB R          25.816           6.1   10x50
CrB T          25.817          10.4
Dra 3C371      25.818          15.4
Dra AB         25.819          13.9
Dra AG         25.820           8.8
Dra DO         25.821         <14.2
Her AM         25.813          13.3
Her DQ         25.814          14.4
Her V443       25.815          12.1
Her YY         25.815          13.1
Peg EF         25.835         <13.9
Peg IP         25.833         <15.0
Peg RU         25.834          12.7
Per AX         25.839          11.9
Per DY         25.838          10.7
Per GK         25.841          13.1
Per NSV00895   25.840         <15.2
Per TZ         25.837          14.6
Per UV         25.836         <15.2
Per UW         25.835         <15.6
Per V400       25.840         <14.0
Sct EU         25.811         <14.7
Sct FS         25.812         <13.8
Sct N81        25.813         <14.0
Sge SV         25.810          10.6
UMi Z          25.819          12.2