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VS Obs Oct 17

Variable Star Observations for October 17th 1994 
Gary Poyner                                        
All observations are visual and made with a 40cm reflector
unless otherwise stated.                    
Strong Moonlight, cloud later

Star           UT Dec          Mag                
And 3C66A  Oct 17.872          14.3
And DX         17.868          14.8
And FN         17.869         <14.1
And HP         17.872         <14.0
And LL         17.874         <14.1
And LS         17.873         <14.6
And RX         17.870          13.9
And Z          17.867          10.7
Aql CI         17.842         <14.2
Aql EY         17.843         <13.4
Aql UU         17.830         <14.3
Aql V1419      17.825          13.3
Aql V603       17.826          11.6
Aqr U          17.856          11.8
Cam AF         17.878         <14.1
Cas HT         17.883         <14.7
Cas UV         17.885          10.7
Cas V452       17.883         <14.1
Cas V630       17.884         <14.7
Cas V635       17.882         <14.4
Cas V705       17.881          12.3
CrB R          17.824           6.1   10x50
CrB T          17.824          10.3
Cyg CH         17.862           8.4   10x50
Cyg CI         17.847          11.2
Cyg EY         17.847          14.8
Cyg Q          17.857          15.0
Cyg Scovil     17.865         <14.3
Cyg SS         17.856          12.5
Cyg V1016      17.853          10.6
Cyg V1028      17.864         <13.9
Cyg V1113      17.861         <14.0
Cyg V1251      17.858         <14.3
Cyg V1329      17.852          13.8
Cyg V1363      17.845         <14.5
Cyg V1454      17.846         <13.9
Cyg V1504      17.855         <13.9
Cyg V1974      17.866          13.6
Cyg V404       17.844         <14.8
Cyg V482       17.844          10.9
Cyg V542       17.863         <13.9
Cyg V632       17.858         <14.6
Cyg V795       17.854         <14.6
Dra AB         17.828          14.6
Dra AG         17.828           8.7
Her AM         17.826          13.3
Her DQ         17.827          14.3
Her V592       17.833         <14.2
Her YY         17.831          13.1
Lac BL         17.860          14.6
Lyr AY         17.848         <14.4
Lyr DM         17.851         <14.8
Lyr HR         17.851         <14.2
Lyr MV         17.850          12.4
Lyr V344       17.849         <14.3
Lyr V493       17.849         <14.1
Peg RU         17.867          12.8
Per AX         17.874          11.7
Per DY         17.878          10.7
Per GK         17.879          13.1
Per TZ         17.877          12.8
Per UV         17.876         <14.9
Per UW         17.876         <15.1
Sge AW         17.840         <14.5
Sge FG         17.837          13.3   Resolved
Sge HM         17.834          11.8
Sge QW         17.835          11.7
Sge RZ         17.840         <15.0
Sge SV         17.831          10.6
Sge V          17.838          10.6
Sge WZ         17.841         <14.5
UMi Z          17.828          12.2
Vul PU         17.838          11.7
Vul RZ         17.835          12.3
Vul TY         17.842         <14.7