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Supernova 1994D Update No. 4 (diff.)

0105   Supernova 1994D in NGC 4526 - Photometry Update    No. 4 (1994/03/18)
0115           SN 1994D  [Ia]      ]12.5 mag.[mv] - [17 mag.[R]
0120      R.A. = 12h 34m 02s.37  Decl. = +07d 42' 04".7 (2000.0)       Nova
0125     [Position by P. M. Kilmartin from an exposure by A. Gilmore]
0130          Offset from nucleus of galaxy: 9" west, 7" north
0140 This report contains new entries (*) and revisions (#) since Update
0145 No. 3 (1994/03/16). The complete file of photometric observations is
0150 available by anonymous ftp at medusa.uio.no in pub/bgranslo/sn1994d
0155 (file name sn1994d.f04) or at sasun12.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp
0160 [] in pub/tkato/sn1994d.
0200     Sequences [SEQ]:
0210    #AC      AAVSO chart via AAVSO Alert 182 (TB sequence)
0900 Time system is year, number of month and date with decimals in U.T.
1010 YYYY+
1020 MM DD.DDD  MAGN  MS SEQ OBSERVER           NOTES                 SOURCE
1994 03 12.37   12.6  mv    *Royer, R.                                IAUC 5953
1994 03 13.31   12.3  mv    *Royer, R.                                IAUC 5953
1994 03 14.30   12.2  mv    *Royer, R.                                IAUC 5953
1994 03 14.556  11.9: mv    *Yamada, M.                               VSOLJ
1994 03 14.573  12.0  mv    *Yamada, M.                               VSOLJ
1994 03 14.89   12.4  mv    *Szentasko, L.      33.4-cm refl.         HAA/VSS
1994 03 14.927  11.9  mv AC *Ripero, J.          33 -cm refl.         AAM
1994 03 14.937  12.2  C     *Rodriguez, D.       20 -cm + CCD         AAM
1994 03 14.989  12.1  mv AC *Garcia, F.          31 -cm refl.         AAM
1994 03 15.916  11.9  mv AC *Ripero, J.          33 -cm refl.         AAM
1994 03 15.937  11.8  mv AC *Pujol, F.           31 -cm refl.         AAM
1994 03 15.961  12.1  mv    *Hurst, G. M.                             IAUC 5953
1994 03 16.041  12.3  mv AC *Garcia, F.          31 -cm refl.         AAM
1994 03 16.81   12.3  mv    *Szentasko, L.      33.4-cm refl.         HAA/VSS
1994 03 16.882  12.4  mv KM *Pietz, J.          20.3-cm SCT           Mail(jpz)
1994 03 16.916  12.1  mv AC *Ripero, J.          33 -cm refl.         AAM
1994 03 16.937  11.8  mv AC *Garcia, F.          31 -cm refl.         AAM
1994 03 16.937  11.8  mv AC *Pujol, F.           31 -cm refl.         AAM
1994 03 16.94   12.2  mv    *Comello, G.                              IAUC 5953
1994 03 16.989  12.0  C     *Rodriguez, D.       20 -cm + CCD         AAM
1994 03 17.033  12.0  mv KM *Granslo, B. H.     20.3-cm SCT (222x)    NAS.VSS
1994 03 17.399  11.9  mv TB *Dillon, W. G.       28 -cm SCT (155x)    Mail(wgd)
1994 03 17.856  11.7  mv KM *Midtskogen, O.     31.6-cm refl. (260x)  NAS.VSS
1994 03 17.895  12.1  mv AC *Ripero, J.          33 -cm refl.         AAM
1994 03 17.914  12.3  mv KM *Pietz, J.          20.3-cm SCT           Mail(jpz)
1994 03 18.023  11.9  mv KM *Granslo, B. H.     20.3-cm SCT (222x)    NAS.VSS
5000                        +++ List of Observers +++
5020  IAU Circulars
5050 *(R. Royer, Lakewood, CA, USA) [IAUC 5953];
5055 *(G. Comello, Groningen, The Netherlands) [IAUC 5953]
6100  VSOLJ
6115 *(Hiromichi Nagata, Tottori, Japan); (M. Yamada, Ishikawa, Japan)
6600  HAA/VSS
6610 *(Laszlo Szentasko, Veresegyhaz, Hungary)
9800 (( Acknowledgements ))
9820  In compiling these updates, we would like to thank organizations and
9830  individuals from all over the world for their efforts in supplying
9840  vital observations of this supernova!!
9990     Compiled by Bjorn H. Granslo (NAS.VSS) and Yasuto Takenaka (VSOLJ)

Norwegian Astronomical Society - Variable Star Section
                  Bjorn H. Granslo (bgranslo@astro.uio.no)
Variable Star Observer League in Japan ( = VSOLJ )
                  Yasuto Takenaka (KFA02524@NiftyServe.or.jp)